Home Energy Assessments

Acumen is a partner with Efficiency Nova Scotia’s Home Energy Assessment Program and a registered service organization with NRCan delivering the Greener Homes Initiative. For $199 plus tax the energy assessment is a great way to find out where you can save energy and money while taking advantage of rebates and financing on qualifying upgrades. Using the EnerGuide Rating System (GJ), Acumen provides a comprehensive top-to-bottom analysis of the building envelope which can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours to complete depending on the size and complexity of the building. Using accurate geometry calculations, exhaustive checks of insulation levels, and the use of a blower door to quantify and identify air leakage areas, a detailed report using robust third-party software is generated for the building owner. The report prioritizes energy efficiency upgrades to help you get the most out of your renovation budget while making the biggest impacts on the building’s carbon footprint. Once the upgrades are complete a post-retrofit assessment is conducted to measure the results.

Multi-Unit Residential Buildings

A low-rise multi-unit residential building (MURB) is a set of structurally separate living units superimposed one on top of the other within one building envelope. Duplexes, triplexes, and apartment buildings comprised of between 2 and 6 units that are up to three storeys above grade are able to be assessed. Mixed-use buildings (MUBs), or MURBs with both commercial and residential occupancies, are also eligible as long as the residential portion represents 50% or more of the total floor area.

Acumen has been licensed to carry out energy assessments on MURBS since 2008. Please contact us to see whether your building is eligible for an assessment.

Air Leakage Detection

Reducing excessive air leakage is the most cost effective way to prevent heat loss in many homes, but first those sources of air leakage must be identified. Acumen energy advisors provide a blower door service to identify air leakage locations, assess airtightness and to aid in the improvement of the builder or renovator’s air leakage control practices. The blower door service is a standard part of every home energy assessment, but is also provided by Acumen as a stand-alone service.

Energy Advisor Training

Acumen offers classroom training and in-the-field mentoring for individuals looking to become registered energy advisors under NRCANs EnerGuide Rating System (GJ). Please contact us for more information on our rates and availability. 

Quality Assurance

A professional home energy assessment demands attention to detail, careful data collection, and accurate house modeling. Want to make sure your energy advisors are making the grade? Our team is available to perform third-party quality assurance for service organizations and government jurisdictions throughout Canada. Please contact us for more information on our rates and availability.